Playground Ball with Pump


8.5” playground balls are soft, durable and easy to grip. Perfect for indoor or outdoor use. Ships flat with pumps in separate box.

NERI Message: Eat well. Be active. Stay fit.

Shipping & Storage Information:
Order in increments of 100 (2 cases of 50 balls, 1 case of 100 pumps)

Ball Box Size: 17.4” x 15” x 8.7”
Ball Box Weight: 22 lbs/box

Pump Box Size: 15” x 13” x 6”
Pump Box Weight: 7.7 lbs/box

NERI PA Product Questions - Current

Instructions: Please complete one form if you are ordering this NERI for direct education, a separate order form if you are ordering this NERI for a parent engagement activity or community-based event, and a separate order from if you are ordering this NERI for supplemental programming.

Is this NERI for a direct education lesson, an event, or supplemental programming? *
To select multiple, hold CTRL + click for a PC or hold Command + click for a Mac.
To select multiple, hold CTRL + click for a PC or hold Command + click for a Mac.
To select multiple, hold CTRL + click for a PC or hold Command + click for a Mac.
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Order in sets of 100 pumps/box, 50 balls/box (x2)


100 pumps/box, 50 balls/box (x2)