Evaluation – Subrecipients

All MFF SNAP-Ed subrecipient organizations  participate in evaluation and are supported by an MFF evaluator. Each program has a comprehensive evaluation plan that includes SMART Objectives, process and outcome measures with participants, and program tracking for fidelity. The evaluation plan addresses both local program considerations and aligns with statewide measures for behavioral and policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change outcomes.

MFF Evaluation Team will:

  • Be part of a collaborative process to develop SMART Objectives
  • Develop a program-specific evaluation to assess fit and effectiveness of selected direct education (DE) interventions with needs of identified populations
  • Identify appropriate DE statewide process and outcome evaluation
  • Provide online and Scantron® versions of surveys to use across DE participant age groups along with associated survey protocols, barcoding instructions, and an online educator log
  • Streamline the PSE reporting process through the Partner Update Portal, which includes planning, implementing, and long-term follow up stages of change
  • Coordinate survey scanning services and data analysis
  • Share reporting of evaluation results back with subrecipient organizations

Subrecipient Organizations will:

  • Track on-hand quantity of Scantrons® and submit order form as needed
  • Collect data in accordance with evaluation plan
  • Ensure program fidelity through review of educator logs
  • Submit PSE reporting through Partner Update Portal at least quarterly
  • Submit Scantrons® to MFF using cover sheets and barcodes
  • Incorporate evaluation results into reporting and the cycle of program improvement


FY25 Statewide DE Evaluation Survey Planning Chart  (links to new window)

FY25 Statewide DE Evaluation Survey Guide (links to new window) ⁠– Subrecipient organizations will receive a customized version of this template including online survey links specific to each of their DE intervention(s).

FY25 Direct Education Educator Log (print version) (links to new window) ⁠– Educators should fill out an online log after completing all lesson series of this intervention. Click here for the online version.

Survey Protocols – Scantron® and Online  ⁠– Each survey has a corresponding protocol to ensure data collection is done with fidelity. PDFs of online surveys are also linked to on this page. Educators may find them useful when providing instructions to participants.

Scantron® Order Form (links to new window) ⁠– Track your on-hand survey inventory and order more surveys as appropriate based on your DE Survey Guide. Orders should be placed 2 weeks in advance of planned use.

Scantron® Preparation and Checklist  (links to new window) ⁠– This page has everything you need to prepare your Scantrons®, including barcoding instructions.

Evaluation Training (Local Program Leads)  (links to new window)

Data Collection Training (Nutrition Educators and others working with surveys)  (links to new window)

Fidelity Logs and Resources (links to new window) ⁠– This page includes a fidelity FAQ document, six intervention fidelity logs, and other fidelity materials. These materials are intended to support your organization and educators with maintaining and improving fidelity of DE program delivery.

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